
An Easter Message For All

The following was published in the bulletin on Easter, March 31 2024, at Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Valley Park, Mo.

Celebrations are best experienced with others. One can experience joy in isolation, but happiness often leads them toward others.

We are glad you chose to join us to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus with us today at Sacred Heart. May His rising bring you joy, hope and peace.

If you are joining us for the first time or returning to our parish after being away for ANY reason, PLEASE KNOW WE ARE GRATEFUL FOR YOUR PRESENCE. We hope you feel welcome and at peace when you come to worship with us at Sacred Heart.

Catholics celebrate Easter for 50 days. We also celebrate the resurrection every Sunday.

Did you ever notice how people often share personal stories and experiences when they get together for celebrations?

During the 2019 Stanley Cup or World Series parades in downtown St. Louis, people shared memories and anecdotes of key moments from games. During birthday parties, wedding receptions and funeral lunches, friends and family members often tell stories of how loved ones influenced their lives, gave them hope, strength, advice or became role models.

Small faith-sharing groups can provide these Christ-centered relationships. Groups throughout our parish provide men and women opportunities to share how God is present in their lives.

From now until Pentecost—and throughout the year—we will come together on Sundays to hear stories of the risen Christ. There will be stories about overcoming doubt, ending confusion, knowing God’s love, trusting God and loving one another. We will give thanks, receive the Eucharist and go forth to follow Christ’s commandment of building the kingdom of God.

You’re invited to join us every Sunday to celebrate. Be a part of our faith community. Experience the joy and hope of the resurrection and God’s presence in your life.

Holding Limited Spots for Silent Ignatian Retreat, March 7-10, at the White House

The following article is scheduled to appear in the Jan. 14, 2024, bulletin at Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Valley Park., MO.

If you haven’t been on a retreat recently and are looking for a Lenten opportunity to renew or refresh your spiritual life, all men over 18 are invited to join me at the White House Retreat Center on March 7-10 in south St. County.

I have five spaces for Sacred Heart parishioners and there’s no charge to register. A free-will offering is taken at the end of the retreat. The weekend is limited to 90.

The silent retreats are based on The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius, one of the founders of the Society of Jesus, commonly called “the Jesuits.”

The Spiritual Exercises are very different from our ACTS Retreats. Men who’ve been on ACTS Retreats and served on retreat teams often say the Ignatian Retreat compliments and affirms previous parish retreat experiences.

Four or five priests are available for private conferences during the retreat. Mass will be celebrated on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. The sacraments of Reconciliation and Anointing of the Sick will be available and adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. There’s ample time for rest, relaxation and private reflection.

The retreat begins with dinner at 7 p.m. on Thursday and ends at approximately 2 p.m. on Sunday after lunch. All meals are provided. Each retreatant will have a small private room with a bathroom and towels, bed linens and soap.

Silence is an essential element and an expectation on the Ignatian retreat. The retreat provides an opportunity for renewal of mind, body and spirit.

To register, visit whjesuits.com/retreats and select “03/07/2024 – 09 Men’s Weekend Retreat” from the dropdown menu. You will need to create a profile with an email address.

For more information or if you have questions, please call Deacon Joe Mueller at (636) 232-7730 or email at joe.mueller@sacredheart-vp.com. Or visit whitehouseretreat.org.

Join Me At The Catholic Men For Christ Conference

The following article appeared in the Jan. 7, 2024, bulletin at Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Valley Park., MO.

Join me and hundreds of men from throughout the Archdiocese at the Catholic Men for Christ Conference from 8:45 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday, Feb. 17, at St. Louis University High School.

It’s like a retreat as there are several talks. There’s an opportunity to participate in the sacrament of reconciliation and mass will be celebrated by Archbishop Rozanski.

Two speakers scheduled are men I’ve enjoyed and learned from. Fr. Anthony Wieck, S.J., led my 2023 retreat at the White House Retreat Center and is a spiritual director at our seminary. Edward Sri is a theologian who has written many books, articles and created videos and other online content for a wide range of Catholic organizations, including FOCUS (the Fellowship of Catholic University Students.)

Thousands of Catholic men attended this conference during the last 16 years or so. Here’s my top 10 reasons men should consider attending:

  1. New or Different Perspectives: Speakers often present personal stories to illustrate Gospel teachings or provide more detailed information on various topics.
  2. Spirit-Filled Community: One can sense the Holy Spirit during this event by witnessing hundreds of men striving to better love God and others.
  3. Belonging: One can also sense they are welcome and belong—without exception—to a Christ-centered group.
  4. Reawaken Your Spirituality: By spending the day away from the busyness of life, one can refocus on the importance of prayer, the sacraments and living as a disciple of Christ.
  5. Strengthen Your Spirituality: Find ways to grow in your knowledge of God and your understanding of God’s love.
  6. Preparation: Identify strategies and habits to become a stronger, more resilient Catholic in roles with your family, career and church.
  7. Better Understand Small Groups: In addition to Sunday mass and the sacraments, the conference often shows the power and blessings found in a small faith-sharing group or Bible study.
  8. Resources: Learn from presentations, vendors and other men the resources they turn to for guidance, motivation and clarity in Catholic life.
  9. Identify an Action Item: Many men leave the conference with at least one way they will better serve their family or others, or a commitment to a spiritual practice.
  10. Make an Investment in Your Faith: If you haven’t been on a retreat, attended a Lenten program or read an article or book on faith or spirituality, attend this conference to simply reconnect with God.

Register at https://www.catholicmenforchrist.org Registration is $30 ($40 after Jan. 17, 2024) and includes a box lunch.

Questions: Email Deacon Joe at joe.mueller@sacredheart-vp.com

Reflecting During The Final Days of Advent

A version of the following post was published in the Sacred Heart bulletin during the Third Sunday of Advent, Dec. 17.

The writing of the annual family letter to be mailed with our Christmas and Hannukah cards came up at the dinner table.

“Nothing has really happened this year,” my wife, Michelle, said.

Last year, she spent six weeks in the hospital learning how to walk after a COVID-triggered brain illness stopped all motor function below her hips. She has made a complete recovery. Compared to last year, our 2023 recap is very different. A quick review of the past year provided enough memories for a few paragraphs to send out with our holiday greetings.

A similar review happened for me at mass the last few Sundays. It came as a scan of the pews led to memories of accompanying so many in various situations during the last year. Joy, pain, laughter and sorrow were among the many emotions encountered during the spiritual journeys of countless parishioners during the past year.

There was joy meeting parents of newborns during baptism preparation gatherings. Baptizing children whose parents grew up with my sons was especially heartwarming. Watching my son’s best friend get married to the daughter of longtime parishioners in our church was another happy day.

There were many prayers with and for parishioners dealing with serious health issues and illnesses. We prayed for healing of physical and emotional pain.

Lives, friendships and relationships changed with the passing of many. But their funerals were truly celebrations of our parishioners’ lives.

During these final days of Advent, you’re invited to spend some quiet time looking back at the past year. You might find gratitude for countless blessings and prayers of thanksgiving. Growth in spirituality and love might be greater than your original thoughts.

The look back could help you better prepare for the coming of Christ this Christmas season and Christ’s presence with you during each day of your life.